Posted some new images on Flickr today. If you use them to create something I'd love to see what you came up with. I'll be glad to link it from here as well.
Heard from Blake (my Air Force son) yesterday. He found out where his first duty station will be. He said 'It's in the mountains'. I said 'OK'. He said 'of JAPAN'!!! I'm glad he'll be going somewhere he's always wanted to go but as his Mom it certainly causes me some concern. He's a grown-up now though and getting on with his life. I'm so proud of both my boys.
Cleaned up in my craft room today and can actually see the work-table. Now I have no excuse not to get in there and actually complete a project. Too many 'started' pieces with no finished items. With the first of the month coming up it's doubtful anything will be finished soon though. Will be too busy at work to have any energy left at night.
Enjoy the images and God Bless You!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
A few photos to post
Posting a few photos from Blake's Air Force Boot Camp graduation held earlier this month and then a couple from our grandson Sam's birthday party today. He's 2 and never stops moving :-) We all had a good time though and I bet he took a loooong nap when everyone left LOL

Blogger has me so confused on how to get the spacing to work out correctly when I post pictures. Sorry for the empty space haha
Have a wonderful weekend and God Bless You!

Blogger has me so confused on how to get the spacing to work out correctly when I post pictures. Sorry for the empty space haha
Have a wonderful weekend and God Bless You!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Yearly spider visitor
This 8-legged creature has spun his/her web every year for the past few years at our house. I've never seen one like it before I noticed him/her here. Very large and colorful. The body itself is about 2 inches long and counting the legs, it's about 5 inches long. I'm not terribly scared of spiders but big ones do cause me some concern. My husband who really isn't scared of much of anything HATES spiders. No matter what size they are he would rather not deal with them.
All is well at our house but there's been too much going on to get any blogging done. Nelson and I went to San Antonio to see our youngest graduate from Air Force Basic Training. It was a wonderful experience and very emotional. I am so proud of him for sticking with it when I know it had to be the hardest thing he's had to do so far in his young life. He did have a rough time but he made it through. He's in his technical training now and then he'll get his first permanent duty station. And we have no idea where that will be. We're hoping for Little Rock, AR so he'll be close enough to come home or for us to visit fairly often.
I'm hoping I'll have a quiet weekend and have some fun in the craft room. I've also got some old photographs to go through and see if I can use them in some projects. My to-do list is so long I'll never get all of it accomplished.
God Bless You!
All is well at our house but there's been too much going on to get any blogging done. Nelson and I went to San Antonio to see our youngest graduate from Air Force Basic Training. It was a wonderful experience and very emotional. I am so proud of him for sticking with it when I know it had to be the hardest thing he's had to do so far in his young life. He did have a rough time but he made it through. He's in his technical training now and then he'll get his first permanent duty station. And we have no idea where that will be. We're hoping for Little Rock, AR so he'll be close enough to come home or for us to visit fairly often.
I'm hoping I'll have a quiet weekend and have some fun in the craft room. I've also got some old photographs to go through and see if I can use them in some projects. My to-do list is so long I'll never get all of it accomplished.
God Bless You!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Quick post
Popping in to prove I'm still around. All is well, just haven't felt like blogging anything lately. Been doing a little bit of everything, mainly housework. I got the below 'funny' in my email from my dear cousin Laverne and just wanted to share it here. Click on the image to see it full size. Enjoy :-)
funeral director,
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
#2 son has officially left home
Our youngest, Blake, graduates from Air Force Basic Training this coming Friday in San Antonio, TX. He had some rough times with it and it was questionable for a while if he would actually graduate. But, he pulled it off and is so excited to be getting away from Lackland AFB and on to the next phase of his training. He's going into Intelligence and will be in schooling for that, also in Texas, for about 6 months. I am so proud of him and at the same time adjusting to ALL the kids being gone out on their own. It was questionable whether this youngest one would ever get out on his own but he's done it now. Bittersweet feeling, for sure.
When the oldest one left for Marine Basic Training, it was tough but the youngest was still home so it didn't hit quite as hard as this one leaving has. It's a huge change for him and one for me as well. I always call Blake my 'talker' because he and I could get into conversations about anything and everything under the sun. DH is not much of a talker but he may have to become more so now so I won't go nuts having no one to talk to LOL!
We had a quiet 4th of July. I turned a year older (quietly) and we mostly hung out at the house. We did go visit the grandkids who live here in MS and had a great time spending time with them and their parents. I am so lucky to have a loving daughter-in-law and step-daughter. They are both fantastic mothers and it shows in how their children behave.
I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday too. It was tough to get back in the swing of things at work this morning but I finally managed to get something done. Why do I always feel like I need a day off to get over the holiday? Lazy, I guess :-)
God Bless You!
When the oldest one left for Marine Basic Training, it was tough but the youngest was still home so it didn't hit quite as hard as this one leaving has. It's a huge change for him and one for me as well. I always call Blake my 'talker' because he and I could get into conversations about anything and everything under the sun. DH is not much of a talker but he may have to become more so now so I won't go nuts having no one to talk to LOL!
We had a quiet 4th of July. I turned a year older (quietly) and we mostly hung out at the house. We did go visit the grandkids who live here in MS and had a great time spending time with them and their parents. I am so lucky to have a loving daughter-in-law and step-daughter. They are both fantastic mothers and it shows in how their children behave.
I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday too. It was tough to get back in the swing of things at work this morning but I finally managed to get something done. Why do I always feel like I need a day off to get over the holiday? Lazy, I guess :-)
God Bless You!
4th of July,
Air Force,
Monday, June 21, 2010
North Carolina vacation
Home from our trip to North Carolina to see Brad and his family. We had a great time and it was good to get back home too. We were blessed with good weather for our entire trip and only got caught in one traffic jam. That was in Atlanta, GA where it's expected to get held up. Only got stuck for about 45 minutes which is a short wait in that area. I'll post a few pics below:
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Busy weekend
Finally got a phone call from Blake. He says AF boot camp is going well. The recruits are all tired but getting into the groove of things. It was so good to hear from him, even if the phone call was limited to 5 minutes.
Husband and I had to make a trip to Lowe's today to get a new hot water heater. Ours was fried after just being worked on about a week ago. That repair was a total waste of money as it turns out. Apparently the heater had developed a leak that dripped onto the wiring and shorted it out. When we got in from our grocery buying trip, we both smelled a 'burning electrical' smell. God was certainly with us because it could have been alot worse. So now we have a new hot water heater and can't complain too much. The fried one lasted us 12 years.
Husband took me out riding around the countryside today so I could try out my new telephoto lens for my Canon Digital XT. I love this camera and the new lens is fantastic. I took a few shots just to get the feel of it. Some of these below are from a local garden center. Who knew they didn't 'allow' people to take photos of their flower inventory?! Now I know but I did get a few shots before I got 'warned'.

God Bless You and have a wonderful week!!
Husband and I had to make a trip to Lowe's today to get a new hot water heater. Ours was fried after just being worked on about a week ago. That repair was a total waste of money as it turns out. Apparently the heater had developed a leak that dripped onto the wiring and shorted it out. When we got in from our grocery buying trip, we both smelled a 'burning electrical' smell. God was certainly with us because it could have been alot worse. So now we have a new hot water heater and can't complain too much. The fried one lasted us 12 years.
Husband took me out riding around the countryside today so I could try out my new telephoto lens for my Canon Digital XT. I love this camera and the new lens is fantastic. I took a few shots just to get the feel of it. Some of these below are from a local garden center. Who knew they didn't 'allow' people to take photos of their flower inventory?! Now I know but I did get a few shots before I got 'warned'.

God Bless You and have a wonderful week!!
telephoto lens
Friday, May 21, 2010
Finally have some pics to post
Got busy today and snapped some pics in the yard. Most all my flowers have already bloomed and are past their prime but I managed to get a few nice shots. I am SO badly wanting a telephoto lens but do not know enough about them to know which one to buy. I'm going to do alot of research before buying anything. Here are some pics:
I guess I never noticed how beautiful a clover really is if you look at it up close. All those colors just work perfectly together.
Same thing with a dandelion. I don't think I'd ever examined one really closely until today. Amazing invention.
When I study things like clover and dandelions, anything in nature really, I can't imagine not believing in my Heavenly Father who created all this. Awesome!
This is a 'Therese' hydrangea. Of course, I had to have it when I saw the name :-) The blooms start out a light green and turn to white as seen below.
White 'Therese' hydrangea in early stages.
A Mr. Lincoln rose that's past its' prime bloom but still lovely.
A lollipop lily. I have a large number of these and will have to divide them this fall. Luckily I have a good deal of room to spread them out.
I also have 2 or 3 close friends who love flower gardening as much as I do. No shortage of people to trade flowers with around here.
Last image for today; a 'Happy Returns' Daylily. These were a happy surprise for me because they have multiplied well and bloom for months. We had a big rainstorm that beat everything up a bit but the yard still looks pretty good.
Very quiet at my house these days. Our youngest son joined the Air Force and is now at boot camp in Texas. I miss him terribly but am so proud he's chosen the military. I'm also excited about him getting on with his life after having trouble deciding what he wanted to do for a vocation. I hope he enjoys what he's chosen and makes a career of it. I definitely miss him and his older brother (in the Marines) but am very satisfied with how they've grown into responsible young men. I supposed I helped them along the way but it was definitely prayer that got us all through this far.
Have a wonderful weekend and God Bless You!
I guess I never noticed how beautiful a clover really is if you look at it up close. All those colors just work perfectly together.
Same thing with a dandelion. I don't think I'd ever examined one really closely until today. Amazing invention.
When I study things like clover and dandelions, anything in nature really, I can't imagine not believing in my Heavenly Father who created all this. Awesome!
This is a 'Therese' hydrangea. Of course, I had to have it when I saw the name :-) The blooms start out a light green and turn to white as seen below.
White 'Therese' hydrangea in early stages.
A Mr. Lincoln rose that's past its' prime bloom but still lovely.
A lollipop lily. I have a large number of these and will have to divide them this fall. Luckily I have a good deal of room to spread them out.
I also have 2 or 3 close friends who love flower gardening as much as I do. No shortage of people to trade flowers with around here.
Last image for today; a 'Happy Returns' Daylily. These were a happy surprise for me because they have multiplied well and bloom for months. We had a big rainstorm that beat everything up a bit but the yard still looks pretty good.
Very quiet at my house these days. Our youngest son joined the Air Force and is now at boot camp in Texas. I miss him terribly but am so proud he's chosen the military. I'm also excited about him getting on with his life after having trouble deciding what he wanted to do for a vocation. I hope he enjoys what he's chosen and makes a career of it. I definitely miss him and his older brother (in the Marines) but am very satisfied with how they've grown into responsible young men. I supposed I helped them along the way but it was definitely prayer that got us all through this far.
Have a wonderful weekend and God Bless You!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Still around...
I can't believe it's been over 2 months since I blogged last. Nelson's heart bypass surgery got us out of our regular routines and I guess I've yet to get back to 'normal'. Nelson is doing great. He's been back at work for about a month and has had no problems at all. He and I have been incredibly blessed with his recovery and the support we received from everyone.
My youngest son, Blake, has joined the U.S. Air Force and will be leaving for boot camp in mid-May so I've been spending a lot of time with him. Nelson and I are planning a short visit to see our 'Marine' son and his family in North Carolina.
Blake and I had a 'junking' afternoon. We visited 2 local treasure (read 'junk') shops but didn't find much of interest. I've got plenty of inspiration already in my craft room. I just need to make time to do something with it. Tomorrow will be mostly filled with laundry; tons of that waiting for me.
I'll post the latest pic I have of the 3 grandkids in North Carolina. Their mom is a photographer so I'm very spoiled to having fantastic shots of those three grands. I found this candid shot on their Mom's facebook page and I hope she doesn't mind that I'm borrowing it to show them off here.
My youngest son, Blake, has joined the U.S. Air Force and will be leaving for boot camp in mid-May so I've been spending a lot of time with him. Nelson and I are planning a short visit to see our 'Marine' son and his family in North Carolina.
Blake and I had a 'junking' afternoon. We visited 2 local treasure (read 'junk') shops but didn't find much of interest. I've got plenty of inspiration already in my craft room. I just need to make time to do something with it. Tomorrow will be mostly filled with laundry; tons of that waiting for me.
I'll post the latest pic I have of the 3 grandkids in North Carolina. Their mom is a photographer so I'm very spoiled to having fantastic shots of those three grands. I found this candid shot on their Mom's facebook page and I hope she doesn't mind that I'm borrowing it to show them off here.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day!
No photos to share today. I know, this blog is getting so dull! Gotta work on that soon. So glad to have another Valentine's Day to share with my husband. Especially after his recent heart bypass surgery. We didn't even know he was 'sick' so the bypass caught us both totally off guard. I am so grateful for the way things worked out and we are both blessed to have him on the road to recovery. I thank God every single day for the gift of each day we're given to share with those we love. That's what Valentine's Day means to me and I try to live it every day.
We didn't get any of the snow that some in MS got this past Friday. Suits me fine. I don't like the icy aftermath of that snow. Yes, it's gorgeous at first and you can get some really cool pictures. Like Elizabeth at Last Door Down the Hall. She has some beautiful shots of snow in North Carolina. Go check them out. She's a fantastic photographer as well as a gifted mixed-media artist. Great person too.
Nelson and I went to visit the grandkids in Cleveland yesterday and we had a great time. Sam is growing like a weed and so funny. He adores his sister, Sara, and they get along so well. At least while we were there. I guess Sam's still too small for him to get on Sara's nerves too badly yet. That day will come though, no doubt about that. Nicole, their Mom, is such a great mother. I am so proud and filled with love for all our children, whether they're technically my step-children or the ones I carried in my own body. That's another thing I'm thankful for this Valentine's Day. Nelson and I have shared our children, and now their children without reservation. There's no greater gift to give your life partner than to share ALL of your loves and passions.
Now that Nelson's on the road to recovery it seems that I've come down with a cold/flu or something that's got me sneezing, coughing and generally feeling crappy. It started Saturday morning as soon as I got out of bed. Before I even got my houseshoes on I was sneezing. Those multiple sneezes that come out of nowhere. The ones that have our skittish dog running for cover. Then I heard Nelson doing the same thing. Oh No! Not him too. I cannot imagine how it feels to sneeze those violent sneezes when your breastbone was cut apart and literally wired back together less than 3 weeks ago. He says it doesn't hurt. It hurts me just to think about it. Anyways, he and I both are still sneezing but now I've started coughing as well. Seems I catch every blooming bug that goes around lately.
I am blogging this at the optimum stretch of the Day Quil tablets working. I thought that'd be a good time to update this blog and now I'm off to just read my list of blogs I follow. I hope all of you have a great week and don't catch any of the stomach virus or flu bugs floating around. Tell your Valentines you love them and God Bless You!
We didn't get any of the snow that some in MS got this past Friday. Suits me fine. I don't like the icy aftermath of that snow. Yes, it's gorgeous at first and you can get some really cool pictures. Like Elizabeth at Last Door Down the Hall. She has some beautiful shots of snow in North Carolina. Go check them out. She's a fantastic photographer as well as a gifted mixed-media artist. Great person too.
Nelson and I went to visit the grandkids in Cleveland yesterday and we had a great time. Sam is growing like a weed and so funny. He adores his sister, Sara, and they get along so well. At least while we were there. I guess Sam's still too small for him to get on Sara's nerves too badly yet. That day will come though, no doubt about that. Nicole, their Mom, is such a great mother. I am so proud and filled with love for all our children, whether they're technically my step-children or the ones I carried in my own body. That's another thing I'm thankful for this Valentine's Day. Nelson and I have shared our children, and now their children without reservation. There's no greater gift to give your life partner than to share ALL of your loves and passions.
Now that Nelson's on the road to recovery it seems that I've come down with a cold/flu or something that's got me sneezing, coughing and generally feeling crappy. It started Saturday morning as soon as I got out of bed. Before I even got my houseshoes on I was sneezing. Those multiple sneezes that come out of nowhere. The ones that have our skittish dog running for cover. Then I heard Nelson doing the same thing. Oh No! Not him too. I cannot imagine how it feels to sneeze those violent sneezes when your breastbone was cut apart and literally wired back together less than 3 weeks ago. He says it doesn't hurt. It hurts me just to think about it. Anyways, he and I both are still sneezing but now I've started coughing as well. Seems I catch every blooming bug that goes around lately.
I am blogging this at the optimum stretch of the Day Quil tablets working. I thought that'd be a good time to update this blog and now I'm off to just read my list of blogs I follow. I hope all of you have a great week and don't catch any of the stomach virus or flu bugs floating around. Tell your Valentines you love them and God Bless You!
Last Door Down the Hall,
Valentine's Day
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