Monday, September 28, 2009

Hummer video #2 - Sept 28, 2009

Hummer video #2
Originally uploaded by theresaashmore
Nelson's best video of tonight with alot of hummers playing around. They jump on each other's backs and push each other off the perches; just incredible footage. He's patient enough and stays on the back deck smoking enough that the hummers have gotten used to him being there. They're not scared of him at all and they let him get really close.

5 blog friends left a treasured comment:

Christy said...

Wow, you've got so many! I could sit and watch mine for hours...if only Savy and Scarlett would let me :)

IngersATELIER said...

You welcome Theresa, it's make me happy:)

~*~Magpie's Nest said...

thank you for sharing the wonderful hummingbird footage ... really fantastic, you can hear them humming too!
I'm sure you never tire of seeing those amazing little creatures!

Carol Anne's Boutique said...

Hi Theresa, What an amazing video, thank you so much for sharing!! I just love watching the hummingbirds at my feeder, but I have never had this many, only about 3 or 4 at a time. How wonderful that you have so many, I really enjoyed this video!!
Hugs, Carol Anne

Catherine said...

Theresa! Oh my goodness - this video is AMAZING! Our hummingbirds here are so territorial and won't allow another bird near the feeder at the same time. This is incredible that you are able to enjoy so many of them! I don't think I'd ever get anything done...would be watching the birds all day long!