Got busy today and snapped some pics in the yard. Most all my flowers have already bloomed and are past their prime but I managed to get a few nice shots. I am SO badly wanting a telephoto lens but do not know enough about them to know which one to buy. I'm going to do alot of research before buying anything. Here are some pics:
I guess I never noticed how beautiful a clover really is if you look at it up close. All those colors just work perfectly together.
Same thing with a dandelion. I don't think I'd ever examined one really closely until today. Amazing invention.
When I study things like clover and dandelions, anything in nature really, I can't imagine not believing in my Heavenly Father who created all this. Awesome!
This is a 'Therese' hydrangea. Of course, I had to have it when I saw the name :-) The blooms start out a light green and turn to white as seen below.
White 'Therese' hydrangea in early stages.
A Mr. Lincoln rose that's past its' prime bloom but still lovely.
A lollipop lily. I have a large number of these and will have to divide them this fall. Luckily I have a good deal of room to spread them out.
I also have 2 or 3 close friends who love flower gardening as much as I do. No shortage of people to trade flowers with around here.
Last image for today; a 'Happy Returns' Daylily. These were a happy surprise for me because they have multiplied well and bloom for months. We had a big rainstorm that beat everything up a bit but the yard still looks pretty good.
Very quiet at my house these days. Our youngest son joined the Air Force and is now at boot camp in Texas. I miss him terribly but am so proud he's chosen the military. I'm also excited about him getting on with his life after having trouble deciding what he wanted to do for a vocation. I hope he enjoys what he's chosen and makes a career of it. I definitely miss him and his older brother (in the Marines) but am very satisfied with how they've grown into responsible young men. I supposed I helped them along the way but it was definitely prayer that got us all through this far.
Have a wonderful weekend and God Bless You!