Of course, after her bath it takes forever to get her dry because her fur is so thick. Then it takes major work to get the tub cleaned out due to all the dog hair and dirt caked in it. Bit races through the house and rubs all over the carpet to get dried off which leaves hair all over the carpet. She always smells so good though right after a bath and her fur is so silky. Of course, one trip outside and she smells like a dog again and her fur loses that shiny, silky look. We wait as long as we can and then do it all over again. I'm glad Nelson does it; I don't know if my back could handle it.
When it's warm we sometimes give her the bath outside on the back deck but she's been known to get away from us. She'll immediately run out in the grass and rub around in it trying to dry off. Trial and error has taught us it's easier to bathe her inside in the tub. At least that way, we can close the bathroom doors and keep her confined to that small space.

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