Our youngest grandchild, Sam. Pic taken Father's Day 2009; isn't he a cutie?!

Sum & Substance Hosta bloom. These hostas get enormous!

A spotted lily that blooms in June for me. This is on a very tall stalk; about 4' tall.

Nelson and I went out riding around Carroll County, MS and found a ranch with a few buffalo. We were lucky enough to catch them right at the fence line so we could get a good shot of them. The biggest male was too fast for us to get a good shot of him; he scared me and Nelson both by running down towards us. Lucky we were on the OTHER side of the barbed wire fence!

An abandoned house in Carroll County, MS
I hope you enjoy the photos; I should work on plenty more that I have in my 'downloaded from camera' folder. I keep putting it off until I end up losing interest in working on the older photos. I admit it. I'm lazy when I'm at home. Work is so very busy right now and by the time I get home I'm just pooped. Too tired to think about doing any kind of 'work'. Plus it's so danged hot right now that I feel zapped of all energy all the time. I do NOT like summer; I'd much rather be cold than hot. Hot flashes have certainly cured me of complaining about the cold haha
Have a blessed week!!
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